Bmw navigation system update cd
Bmw navigation system update cd

I'm totally ingnorant to know the most cost effective update for the system and would greatly appreciate hearing what I need from someone that doesn't have a vested interest in what I decide. I'm sure I could get by with an older disc 2010 or so and see many for sale (most copies) that don't end up being reconized by the system BUT if someone had a authentic dealer purchased disc that they replaced with a newer one.maybe this would be a cheaper option and the question would be does any software in the car currently still need to be updated by the dealer to work with any new disc that I might buy and put in? I seem to be getting mixed advice and costs for all of this from different BMW dealers I've called asking about this.some say all I need is the disc and others say I need this, this, this $$$.

bmw navigation system update cd

Greetings and thanks in advance for any advice and or answers from fellow forum users.I'm new to owning a 2006 750Li and since it did not come with a Nav disc (not sure why?) I will be looking to buy a 2011 disc from the dealer (apparently the 2011's just arrived) My question is: Does any of the software IN the vehicles idrive system require updating OR will the new nav disc be all that I need? I just wondered if the menus would be different and have read posts of the newer models apparently needing software updates along with the newer nav discs AND it being a rather expensive ordeal.

Bmw navigation system update cd